Monday, March 31, 2008

3 more Days!!!

3 more days and I get to go home!! Yay!! Not for good though :( Although I am quite enjoying myself out here on the coast, it just isn't home. Well, at least not yet. Maybe after I've been here for a few months, and have a place I can actually call my own, and have my kitty here to keep me company at night, then it will feel more like A home. But Kamloops is still home home.

And it's my birthday on Saturday!! YAY!!! I get to become a cougar in training!! At least I'm a damn hot 29 year old. That's one thing to enjoy. The being single part, I'm still not sure about. it's Ok, but not really what I want. I'm getting to that point where girls can make really stupid decisions based on what they wanted for thier future when they were young, and not based on what is good for them right now. And right now, not being in a relationship is definitly better for me. Please remind me of that next time I say I found the perfect guy...

Man, I have this throbbing headache that is so from my walk up the hill from the bus stop. Sometimes it is really hard to breathe going up that hill. I don't know why, there is no congestion in my lungs, but it still feels heavy to breathe. And my sternum hurts too. And my throat from the breathing. I should go to the doctor... Maybe...

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