Sunday, March 23, 2008

Here I Come!!

When I outta say no!!

Got to go see Dragonette the other night, which was AWESOME!!! The first of many concerts I will get to see now that I live in a music hub.

Yes, that's right, Lisa got a job!! It's not particullarily a spectacular job, but it's easy and it pays good. I'm going to be following in my little sister's foot steps and be working at The Foam Shop. I start tomorrow in a location that I still don't quite know where it is, but that's OK. As long as they allow me my few days off to come back to the loops to celebrate my B-day, and pick up things that I am missing. Like my kitty.

I miss my little puss-puss something fierce. I'm sure the fact that my sister has cat that looks almost identical to my baby doesn't help. That and I am alone in this closet all day and night and could sure use her cuddley company.

The good thing is that with all the time I have, I've been able to arrange my sisters crap in such ways as to make room for my crap, and create more floor space. And storage. It's not really her fault, she hardly spends any time here and so hasn't taken the time to focus on how to best use what little space she does have. And appearently I've watched enough HGTV shows to have ideas about how this can be achieved. Mostly with many trips to IKEA, but also just with some rearranging and purging. Which is the hardest thing to do for a pack rat family.

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