Friday, March 28, 2008

Looking Up?

Hello! How are you? I am fine. Thanks for asking.

Things seem to be looking up right now, but maybe I'm just high on my meds and sleep deprived, who knows... I feel... better. I suppose getting out of the house and doing stuff is helpful. I still kinda feel isolated, but that's because I don't even have my kitty to keep me company at night. And, my body is screaming for a nice HOT relaxing bath, but I no have-y bath tubby :( I can't wait to go home next Friday, snuggle with my kitty, and plunk myself into the tub. Sans kitty of course, she really hates that thing...

The new job is good, I'm already doing a stellar job, like always. Now i just have to be able to answer people's questions about what kind of foam would be best for thier needs. Which sometimes is hard to guess as most of them don't really know what their needs are.

It would also be nice to finally feel settled, which is very hard as I am staying at my sister's with all of her stuff. I've moved it, stacked it, and glared at it with all my might, but it still just looks like a pile of junk cluttering up a tiny space. I think I'm going to have to convince her to go through it, and put most of it in storage for right now. As it is right now, there is no way that her landlady will willingly want to show the place. It looks very much like a slum hole. A very well educated slum hole, but still... You know what I found today while I was rooting through the cupboards trying to make better use of the space in them? A potato. A potato growing up INTO the wall. And the sad part is, I have this feeling that it's happened before. I'm having some serious Deja-Vu about this whole situation.

So ya, it would be nice to have most of my sister's stuff out of here so I can get some normal stuff in here. Like, a bed off the ground. Or an actual TV Stand. Or even better yet, how about a kitchen table and some freakin chairs to sit on. You want to know what there is to sit on right now? The bed, which is a futon and a tonne of blankets on the floor, a computer chair, and a couple of floor mats. i have to watch my DVD's on my laptop, which sits onto of an empty box, while lying in bed. Which isn't terribly bad because at least then I'm warm from being under the covers.

So, anybody know anyone in Vancouver looking for a roommate? Besides me that is....

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Well, it sounds like you are off to a good start. Good luck with the attempt to make your sisters living quarters 'homey' - I've seen that place - not much room at all. ): I hope to be in town for your birthday/moving thing at the place at that time ect *grins* take care.